FyreWrap® Blankets are typically manufactured from a high temperature Alkaline Earth Silicate (AES) wool that incorporate fibres with low bio-persistence and hence are exonerated from any carcinogen classification. They are based on a calcium-magnesium silica chemistry, giving excellent thermal and physical stability, melting above 1330°C.
These blankets are also available in a water-repellent form, especially suited for fire protection in offshore and other high humidity environments.
Supplied in rolls of 610mm or 1220mm width, the length of these blanket rolls depends upon their thickness. The thickness and density used depends upon the required fire resistance rating and application. Full technical, acoustic and health & safety data are available on request.
Thermal Insulation Properties
The R Value of an insulation material can be calculated from its thermal conductivity and is typically measured at a temperature of 10°C.
The R Value or Thermal Resistance is a measure of the insulation performance of a material, at a specified thickness. It can be expressed as the material thickness divided by its thermal conductivity value.
The higher the R value, the higher the insulation performance of the material.
R Value (m²K/W) = Thickness (m) / Thermal conductivity (W/mK)
Thermal insulation performance of a material or structure is often expressed as a ‘U-Value’.
The U-Value or Thermal Transmittance Coefficient represents the flow of heat through a material or structure and is expressed as W/(m²K).
The lower the U value, the higher the insulation performance of the material or structure.
The U value is generally calculated from the R Value.
U Value (W/m²K) = 1 / R Value
Blast Resistance
FyreWrap® Offshore Fire Divisions (H Rated Deck and Bulkheads) have also been tested for blast resistance. This is to determine their effectiveness for use in areas where there is a risk of explosion.
The aim of the testing was to demonstrate that the integrity of the FyreWrap® systems remain intact, and would be able to provide the same level of fire protection, following an explosion.
Two blast tests were carried out on a selection of FyreWrap® and FyreWrap® LT systems (H60 and H120), with the insulation / stiffened side exposed to the blast. All testing was witnessed by Lloyds Register.
Tests were conducted on systems with :
Two levels of blast pressure were tested, 0.65 bar (on both covered and uncovered systems) and 1.25 bar (on the covered system only). The duration of the blasts were 221ms and 279ms respectively and considered “long duration blast loads”.
The test specimens were inspected for damage that would be deemed to affect their fire integrity and performance. Subsequent examination showed the insulation withstood the blast and did not display any significant delamination from the substrate (see summary table).
Based on the tests conducted, it was determined that the FyreWrap® Blanket systems without coverings will remain in place and will not be significantly compressed by a 0.65 bar pressure. Furthermore, the
FyreWrap® Blanket systems with a stainless-steel mesh covering will remain in place and will not be significantly compressed by a 1.25 bar pressure. Therefore, these systems are able to maintain their required fire protection performance post-blast.